
Friday, November 19, 2021

Amazing Angles

 Today in maths I learned angles did you now that a right angle is the most common angle I bet any were you look you can see more then 20 a right angle is looks like a L and angles are really cool acute angle is the smallest and an obtuse angle is the biggest can you tell me what is the middle angle.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

House of bricks

 My favourite Lego activity was the sky tower because we had to make the tallest tower to win the competition so that is why that is my favourite 

My least favourite Lego activity was switching the things you made because people keep on making my space ship bad so that is why it is my least favourite 

The activity that tested my perseverance the most was the spinning lego because I did not now what to do

The most challenging activity was because the car one because it was hard to make a long car that does not break

I enjoyed with others because it was fun making more friends and getting to now them


Thursday, October 21, 2021


 My reading create in lockdown was to make a kahoot about grit so here it is hope you enjoy.

Amazing Athletic's

 Today and Yesterday my hub has been doing athletic's and so far we have done. Disk gist and high jump. Then today we did shot put and long dissidence. here are the placements in disk gist I came first and in high jump Christian came first in shot put Johan came first and in long dissidence Joseph came first. I hope you enjoyed my blog post see you next time.  

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 This week in Reading we have to make predictions in books because if you dont and you are reading a book you will get bored so that is what prediction is.I hope you learnt something good bye

Friday, September 24, 2021

athletics training.

Today we did long jump and high jump in high jump you have to use a  scissor kick and try to get over the bar without knocking it over in long jump you have to run up and jump as far as you can you run and then jump on one foot and land on two feet so I hoop you enjoyed and learnt something.By Kellan.


Friday, September 17, 2021


 In maths this week Tumu hub had to make paper squares and then find the volume for them.Volume is finding out how tall it is and how long it is and the width so it was kind of hard  and we got to chose what shape we could do I picked the cone it was easy so I made a other one this one was a cube it was a little harder but we were only allowed two so I did not care.I hope you enjoyed my blog post if there is bad spelling please comment and also what part was your favourite.  

Thursday, September 9, 2021

lock down kahoot grit

in reading I had to choose for a kahoot or a doc or a poster and a board game. In lock down I made a Kahoot it is called Grit and I think it worked out well and today my freinds played it and they said it was good and I think the same whit them and I played there's and I gave them positive feedback thing's like good job and that was fun even if I came last and I made a smile on there face's. and here is a screen shot of them.

Friday, August 6, 2021

The umbrella

 This week my hub has been learning about this little clip its called the umbrella and we have write a story and the clip is about putting yourself in other peoples shoes  are your empathetic?

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 Today for maths my hub Tumu hub learnt about our birthday our most common  month is Rata April  and there is only one person born in July. I have a google drawing of  it hope you enjoy the blog post. What do you think I should I put in my next blog post-more writing?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

My math board

Today I made a Cuisenaire rods and I think it turned out good here it is what do you think be honest please

Friday, June 18, 2021

The minotaur

 I have done a google  doc with a Minotaur and Theseus it is a myth from Greek and my hub has been writing about it and I have embed it for all of you

Friday, June 11, 2021

The sign o the cross

 Today I will show you how to do the sign of the cross in English into Maori.

use your right hand and put it on your head saying in the name of the father and then put it on your tummy and say and the son then put it on your shoulder and say and the holy spiret. and then say amen

Thursday, June 10, 2021

my family in Te Reo maroi

 Today I will be showing you my family in a slideshow and if you cant speck or read Te Reo maroi then use maroi dictionary and then rad this slideshow and please dont skip any slide

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Stop Bullying

 This week new Zealand  is going though  bullying free week and my school is learning about kindness not being mean and rude and being a bully and I made a google drawing and i have embed it at the bottom of the screen   

Monday, May 10, 2021

Margaret Mahy

 Margaret Mahy trip.

My favourite part of the trip was the waka because we got to row for a good 5 mins. In Margaret Mahy there were 4 rotations. My first one was the scavenger hunt.

Something I learnt was eels eat cat food and the pou has different meanings. The waka was used to get tuna and to go and trade their eels and fish.

The thing I found the most interesting was the scavenger hunt because on the ground were special stories that tell true things about New Zealand's history. 

This trip has helped me with my PBL because it helps us with our reading and knowledge about our country and our home in New Zealand. They know how to row a waka and that the female tuna are bigger than the male tuna.

We saw mats that have different meanings like healing plants. Another meaning was how they got the tuna, how they traded it and how they built their houses. 


At lunch time we played on the playground, Patrick and I went to a spinning tube and there was 1 person pushing it. It was a fun time.

Then my last rotation was at Victoria Square and we got to draw the pou and we got to look at statues. Me and my buddy Patrick saw a fountain.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 For the next week and all of this week my hub/tumu hub get's to go Swimming on the bus we have to be silent so we can go out first because we had to go with paiaka hub so and because I do swimming lessons they teach me stuff I already now   

Harry's war

 This week we had to make a remake on the Harry's war article and that is what i did and I have embed it here it is  enjoy

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Today in Maths I did RE because I did not have a workshop on Tuesday and I have mage a slideshow about lent and here it is by Kellan. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Mathyboy math by Kellan

 My math goal is to make a google doc about times tables and  i have it embed on the bottom of the screen 

Friday, March 19, 2021

mythical math

This week in maths my maths goal is to use tidy numbers in subtracting and I made a blog post for you to see.  What  in the slideshow was your favourite slide and please make a comment it is for school. hope you enjoyed.I think it was easy making the slideshow but embedding was hard

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

St Patrick's day

 Today it is the 17 of march which mean's that it is St Patrick's day and in school we had to were green clothing and if we don't  we get pinched and some of my a friend's pinched me and their cursed until they touch a gold coin from a real leprechaun pot of gold and one of my best friend's name is Patrick and St Patrick was born in Britain and on st Patrick's day the water in Ireland turns green the same with the lighthouse see you guys in the next blog post    

Friday, March 12, 2021

my Subtracting in parts

in maths  this week my teacher shod me how to use Subtracting in parts and my goal was to make question and i made a slideshow to show how it works here it is

Friday, March 5, 2021

wonderful writing and rich reading

 KIA Ora welcome back to my blog my leaning goal is to finish my tour builder and I did finish my tour builder and i have a link and i will put in my blog post and  I will put my link under my writing and I worked hard on it enjoy 

my tour builder

my maths

 Kia ora Kellan here welcome back to my blog my maths goal is to make a google drawing of tidy numbers and place value and my drawing is done to show you 

my maths

Thursday, March 4, 2021

A good blog post.

Kia Ora
This week our goal for Reading was to make a slide show about what a quality blog post. I learned that your need a catchy tile, an introduction about your goal and then 3 sentences about your learning. Lastly you need a conclusion and a question. When commenting on other people's blogs you need to be thoughtful, helpful and positive. And a question so the reader can replay 

Friday, February 26, 2021

my conversation

KIA Ora  welcome back today after morning tea we had to finish a slide show that is about a person doing a manu in to a awa a awa is a river look what is the one thing you liked the best about the slide show.

and be nice in the comments